Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Gig last night...

Well, it's Wednesday, halfway through the week, and thank goodness! Luckily, here at work we have a fire alarm test that goes off at 11am, so it's kind of nice that it signifies almost the halfway point..

Anyway, I went to see Rebus at Plan-B in Brixton last night. What a great gig! They're just getting better and better, with some awesome new songs, and they're basically the best unsigned band in the country.

The band on before them were pretty good, I think they were called Chopper Harris. The singer was quite a good frontman, but I wouldn't go out of my way to see them again.. And the last band, who's name I didn't get, were just pretty dismal. With a drummer and a percussionist using not far off a full drumkit, they just looked like a low-rent version of Stomp, but without the dancing or the rythmn. The guitarist looked and sounded like he'd much prefer to be in a U2 tribute band and overall they were pretty shoddy. So we left quite soon during their set!

Had a Nandos though, which was nice. Bit spicy though!


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